How to contact us:
(540) 343-9701
jhamill73 at yahoo dot com
3121 King Street N.E.
Roanoke, VA 24012
What form of payment do we accept? Cash, check, credit, and debit cards.
Do we have saws that customers can use? Yes.
Do we have string to tie a tree on a vehicle? Yes.
Do we allow dogs? Yes, so long as they are on a leash and you clean up after them.
May we tag a tree and come back and cut the tree later? No. All trees are for sale.
Can we cut a tree, pay for it, and pick it up later? Yes.
May we dig a tree? No.
How long does to it take to grow a tree? Anywhere from 6 to 12 years after planting depending on the type of tree, for a 6-8 foot tree.
Is professional potrait photography allowed? No. For a variety of reasons it is no longer allowed.